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Resources by Topic >> Health

Transition for Teens

Get started with these resources - designed for teens - to take care of your own transition process

“I think it’s different because when you were younger, your mother had to basically do everything for you -- give you your medicine and everything. Now you’re doing a lot of stuff on your own, so it’s totally different.” -- Male, age 19

What is health care transition?

Transition is a process in which teens move from children's health care (or seeing a children's doctor) to adult health care. This takes time, so starting at age 12 or 14 can help a lot. Most young people switch to an adult doctor when they are 18 to 21 years old.

Why is transitioning to adult health care important?
  • Becoming more independent about your health care and involved in decision-making
  • A sense of responsibility and control over your own life
  • Finding and treating your health problems
  • Successful health transitions positively impact other areas of life

What does transition involve?
  • Learning more about your diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment
  • Learning how to deal with health risks and the challenges of your condition
  • Managing your medications and carrying a list of your medications with you
  • Carrying a portable medical file and your health insurance card
  • Making and keeping your doctors' appointments
  • Knowing when and where to get help for an emergency
  • Asking your doctor questions about ways to improve your health
  • Working with your doctor to find an adult doctor who can care for you

Supported by a grant from The HSC Foundation. Developed and maintained by SchoolTalk, Inc. and Inclusion Research Institute in collaboration with DC Partners in Transition.
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