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Transition for Teens

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DC Department of Behavioral Health
64 New York Avenue, NE, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20002
202-673-2200 (voice) | (202) 673-3433 fax | 202-673-7500 (TTY)

The Department of Behavioral Health's goal is to deliver mental health services that promote a patient's full recovery, respect cultural and linguistic diversity, and are choice-driven. The Mental Health Rehabilitation Services (MHRS) system for community-based care offers: evaluation and or screening services, case management, counseling, intensive day treatment, crisis or emergency services, rehabilitation programs, psychiatric treatment, and specialized mental health services.

Take Charge of Your Health: Guide for Teens and Young Adults

Check out this guide to understand what you need to be able to do and how to partner with your healthcare provider.

Got Transition: The Center for Health Care Transition Improvement

Got Transition, the Center for Health Care Transition Improvement, is funded by the federal government and aims to improve the health care transition process for youth with disabilities nationwide.

The site includes an interactive health provider section that corresponds to the three Six Core Elements' practice settings. It also includes a set of frequently asked transition questions developed by and for youth/young adults and families. In addition, the site contains new information for researchers and policymakers and a robust listing of transition resources.

What Does Health Have To Do With Transition?

This article explains the importance of health care transition and how health can affect other areas of transition like employment, post-secondary education, and independent living.

Getting to Know Your Diagnosis and Treatment

Fill out this helpful two-page form to help your health care providers get to know you! It includes questions about personality and everything related to your health care situation.

Portable Medical Summary

Here is a medical summary that you can fill out with your teen, which they can carry with them at all times. You can also save it electronically to a jump or zip drive which they can carry around on a keychain.

Healthy Transitions

This is a fun interactive website with lots of great tools and videos developed by the New York State Institute for Health Transition Training. The site includes MY PLACE, a social networking feature that links you to a personal transition team.

AASPIRE's Interactive Healthcare Toolkit

The Academic Autism Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education (AASPIRE), in collaboration with the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, has created a new interactive toolkit to help improve healthcare services for adults on the autism spectrum.

For patients on the autistic spectrum and their supporters:

Patient materials include checklists and worksheets to help patients:

  • schedule appointments
  • prepare for visits
  • describe symptoms, and
  • follow-up on provider recommendations

The toolkit also includes detailed information about topics including:

  • navigating the healthcare system
  • staying healthy, and
  • patient rights.

The centerpiece of the AASPIRE Healthcare Toolkit is the Autism Healthcare Accommodation Tool, an online tool that allows patients or their supporters to create a customized accommodations report for their providers.

For healthcare providers:

The Autism Healthcare Accommodation Tool mentioned above will help healthcare providers understand what accommodations or strategies might help that individual patient. It is crucial that healthcare providers be equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to provide better quality healthcare to autistic adults.

Other provider materials include:

  • general information on autism,
  • tips for facilitating healthcare interactions, and
  • information on legal and ethical issues related to autism.

ASAN's Toolkit for Advocates on Health Care and the Transition to Adulthood
PO Box 66122, Washington , DC 20035

ASAN is proud to announce the release of a comprehensive toolkit to empower people with disabilities and their families to manage their own health care as they transition to adulthood.

Transition to Adulthood: A Health Care Guide for Youth and Families provides people with people with disabilities and their families with information on how to choose a source of health care coverage, create a health care support network, integrate health care transition goals into their educational plans, and manage their health care. It includes useful guides and worksheets for keeping track of health care records, making doctor's appointments, and talking to doctors about health concerns.

The toolkit also includes Model Supported Health Care Decision-Making Legislation and its accompanying Questions and Answers resource. The model legislation, which ASAN developed in collaboration with the Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities, would enable people with intellectual or developmental disabilities to name a trusted person to help communicate with doctors, understand health care information, make informed decisions about health care, and/or carry out daily health-related activities. Advocates can use this model legislation when talking to their state legislators about ways to support people make independent health care decisions.

ASAN's policy brief, The Transition to Adulthood for Youth with ID/DD: A review of research, policy, and next steps, discusses the range of challenges facing youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities as they approach adulthood, including potential loss of health care coverage, barriers to obtaining adult-oriented care, and lack of support in making health care decisions. It outlines several policy recommendations to eliminate these barriers, including expanding access to income-based Medicaid coverage, increased education and awareness of the importance of transition and decision-making supports, and increased research on best practices in transition planning.

Latin American Youth Center
1419 Columbia Road, NW, Washington , DC 20009
202.319.2225 (voice) | 202.462.5696 (fax)

LAYC provides multi-lingual, culturally sensitive programs in the following areas:

  • Educational Enhancement
  • Social Services
  • Workforce Investment
  • Community Wellness
  • Art + Media
  • Advocacy

Transition QuickGuide: Take Charge of Planning and Managing Your Own Health and Career Goals

The Alliance between ODEP, Youth Transition Collaborative, MCHB’s Center for Health Transition Improvement (Got Transition) has focused on improving health care transition and employment of youth and young adults with disabilities. The Alliance Partners have created a career and health checklist for youth and young adults with disabilities. This information is for youth and young adults, including those with disabilities and chronic health conditions, from ages 12-30. With support from families, health care providers, workforce professionals, and others, young people can gain self-care and decision-making skills to take charge of planning and managing their own health and career goals.

We are pleased to provide you with tools and resources to help all adolescents with special needs make a smooth transition from pediatric to adult health care. Please let us know how we can make this website more responsive to your needs by contacting Peggy McManus at mmcmanus@thenationalalliance.org. We will regularly update this page with new resource material.

Supported by a grant from The HSC Foundation. Developed and maintained by SchoolTalk, Inc. and Inclusion Research Institute in collaboration with DC Partners in Transition.
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