Links Library >> Independent Living
National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center
From National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center
Organization that aids states in building, improving and maintaining successful transition plans
Pennsylvania Youth Leadership Network
From Pennsylvania Department of Education
Advocacy/leadership organization for students with disabilities
Planned Parenthood
From Planned Parenthood
Provides affordable birth control for people who do not have insurance and have low income
Reference Points: Financial Aid Resources 2010
From Reference Points TATRA
Download Financial_Aid_Resources_2010.doc
List of available scholarships for students with disabilities provided by's Reference Points TATRA program
REFERENCE POINTS: Health and Transition
From Reference Points TATRA
Download Health_and_Transition.doc
Contains three worthwhile resources for youth with special health care needs and their parents
Technical Assistance on Transition and the Rehabilitation Act
From Pacer Center
Provides transition resources for parents of youth with disabilities
We Connect Now
Our Mission – We Connect Now is dedicated to uniting people interested in rights and issues affecting people with disabilities, with particular emphasis
on college students and access to higher education and employment issues.
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