DC Transition .org
Pathways to the Future For Youth with Disabilities
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Welcome! Teens and young adults with disabilities often have questions about the future, like "Where can I get my first real job? How do I get my own place? How can I pay college tuition? Should I disclose my disability to employers or professors?"

We created this website to help young adults with disabilities in the DC area answer these questions and plan for their future. We hope that these success stories and local resources will help ALL teens and young adults achieve their dreams. Learn more about our team.

Featured Success Story

Ahmad's Photo

Ahmad’s Story | En Español

Ahmad, now in his late twenties, was born blind. He is adept with computer technology and has both worked and volunteered helping people learn to use computers, especially screen-reading software. Recently, he has been working with Inclusion Research and SchoolTalk to develop this website. He attended public schools and graduated from the University of Maryland—College Park in 2004.

Learn more about Ahmad’s Story

Visit www.gottransition.org to hear what young adult and parent experts have to say about common health care transition questions and discover new resources to make this process work easier. New resources are also available for educators. Please see below:

Supported by a grant from The HSC Foundation. Developed and maintained by SchoolTalk, Inc. and Inclusion Research Institute in collaboration with DC Partners in Transition.
Copyright © 2010-2024 DC Partners in Transition. All rights reserved.   |   info@dctransition.org
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