Resources by Topic >> Independent LivingHousing
To consider moving out on your own, you need a steady income sufficient to cover rent and other expenses and the ability to manage personal care and housework. Think about supports and services that you may need to live on your own. You should probably consider living with a roommate to help with expenses and chores. Here are some tips on renting an apartment:
The Fair Housing Act also allows people with disabilities to have reasonable accommodations or changes of rules, policies, and practices to be able to use and enjoy their homes in ways similar to those without disabilities. The Fair Housing Act prohibits making housing unavailable to people with disabilities and applies to both private and public housing. Buildings with four or more units built in the last 20 years must meet some accessibility requirements. If you think your rights under this law have been abused, you can file a complaint through the local Housing and Urban Development Field Office, 820 1st St., NE, Suite 300, Washington D.C. 20002, 202-275-9200 (voice), 202-275-9212 (fax), 202-275-0772 (TTY). |