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DC Center for Independent Living
The DCCIL is managed by and for persons with a variety of disabilities. The DCCIL is a community based, private non-profit organization that promotes independent life styles for persons with significant disabilities in the District of Columbia. DCCIL has four core independent living services: (1) Independent living skills training including travel training, (2) Peer counseling, (3) Advocacy and legal services, and (4) Information and referral to community services.
Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy Institute
The Kennedy Institute works with teens and young adults with developmental disabilities to provide a broad array of education, therapeutic, employment, and community living programs.
M&L Special Needs Planning, LLC
Comprehensive Special Needs Financial Life Plans -Families retain M&L Special Needs Planning, LLC to create a custom comprehensive special needs financial plan. We conduct a series of meetings in which we identify and prioritize the family's goals and objectives; the goals and objectives of the special needs individual; analyze the present financial situation with respect to both of these goals, review family resources, legal documents, investments, insurance and other related issues. From this information we create a plan with recommendations and steps to maximize and protect family and government resources. If the recommendations are acceptable to the family, we work with the family to implement the recommendatons and set up periodic reviews. In addition to the Comprehensive Special Needs Financial Life Planning we have created a series of workshops to assist in understanding the complexities and nuances of special needs financial planning.
The Mason LIFE Program is an innovative post-secondary program for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who desire a university experience in a supportive academic environment. The mission of the Mason LIFE Program is a dual purpose. The first is to provide a supportive academic environment for our students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The second is to supply an apprenticeship for George Mason University students..
National Disability Institute (NDI)
National Disability Institute is most recognized for harnessing the power of collaboration with government, financial institutions, the business community, community nonprofits, and institutions of higher education to advance new opportunities for work, income production, savings, and asset building for people with disabilities. What We Do
Our Core Competencies
Our Priorities
New View, LLC
New View, LLC establishes relationships with children, young adults, adults, and their families and/or educational support team to determine relevant, individualized, and client-centered recommendations related to education, work, self-care, and leisure. We provide quality therapeutic services across the lifespan to create meaningful life experiences that help to improve independence and confidence in education, work, self-care, and leisure activities. We provide occupational therapy treatment and evaluation in addition to vocational, career guidance, and assessment.
New Vision Photography Program, Inc.
Supported employment and long-term follow-along services in the photography industry and community inclusion for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, introducing them to a creative world of digital photography, entrepreneurship programs, and One-Hour Photo Mini Lab training and employment.
Saint John's Community Services
The mission of SJCS-DC is "Advancing community supports and opportunities for people living with disabilities". SJCS-DC is predicated on the tenets that all individuals have the inalienable rights and abilities to be viable, participating, economically and socially empowered members of society. To this end the services and operations of SJCS-DC are designed to promote the full community inclusion of individuals with disabilities through a process that is person centered and demonstrates the utmost respect, dignity and value for individuals with disabilities and their families. SJCS-DC seeks to empower individuals with disabilities and their families through the provision of training, information, experiences, and support that further their capabilities and independence. To this end SJCS-DC stresses choices and meaningful decision making by individuals with disabilities throughout service delivery planning and implementation.
The Social Security Administration
The Social Security Administration is responsible for two major programs that provide benefits or money based on disability: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
The Social Security Administration, Anacostia
The Social Security Administration is responsible for two major programs that provide benefits or money based on disability: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
The Social Security Administration, M Street Office
The Social Security Administration is responsible for two major programs that provide benefits or money based on disability: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
The Social Security Administration, Postal Plaza (Brentwood)
The Social Security Administration is responsible for two major programs that provide benefits or money based on disability: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
A Wider Circle
A Wider Circle assists individuals and families in transition by providing: