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Resources by Topic >> Recreation

Day Programs/Community Recreational Activities

Learn more about Day Programs/Community Recreational Activities | View General Recreation Resources

The Art and Drama Therapy Institute
327 S St, NE, Washington, DC 20002
202-526-2008 (voice) | 202-832-2474 (fax) | 202-261-0201 (TTY)

The Art and Drama Therapy Institute, Inc. (ADTI) is a medically supervised, therapeutic day treatment center for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. ADTI is located in an economically deprived part of Northeast Washington, D.C., less than three miles from the White House. The institute's innovative approach to the care and treatment of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities through the use of art, music, movement, and drama therapies, along with innovative behavior management techniques, has been hailed by the President's Committee on Mental Retardation and The Washington Post as “a national model.” ADTI is home to the Therapeutic Noh Theater®, the first ensemble with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the world to perform Therapeutic Noh Theater®, directed by Master Teacher, Dr. Sirkku M. Sky Hiltunen.

Art Enables
2204 Rhode Island Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20002
202-554-9455 (voice) | 202-554-9456 (fax)

Art Enables is an arts-and-enterprise program for teens and young adults with developmental and/or mental disabilities from throughout DC. If you become an Art Enables participant: You come to the studio on scheduled days to create and market your own art under the guidance of professional artist-instructors. Your artwork is exhibited and sold in shows at the studio via retailers around the city and at galleries, markets, and special events throughout the region.

DC Center for Therapeutic Recreation
3030 G St, SE, Washington, DC 20019
202-698-1794 (voice) | 202-645-5118 (TTY)

Therapeutic recreation programs and services are offered to both District residents and non-residents with or without disabilities. Classes include: Aromatherapy, spring break camp, weight training, and water exercise and water sports.

DC Developmental Disabilities Council
441 4th Street, NW, 729 North, Washington, DC 20001
(202) 724-8612 (voice) | 202) 727-9484 (fax) | 711 (TTY)

The DC Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) advocates for the inclusion, empowerment, and independence of individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities.


Disability.gov connects people with disabilities, their families, and the organizations that support them to important information about:
  • Disability benefits (guides, programs, applications, etc.)
  • Civil rights (ADA information, accessibility guidelines, employment rights, complaint procedures, etc.)
  • Community life (history of the independent living movement, personal care assistance services, sports and leisure activities, etc.)
  • Education (IDEA and IEP information, teaching materials and strategies, classroom supports, college prep, etc.)
  • Emergency preparedness (inclusive emergency planning, disaster recovery assistance, emergency service accessibility, etc.)
  • Employment (career planning, workforce development, internship programs, hiring and recruiting information, etc.)
  • Health care (disability and condition information, services and providers, caregiving options, financial assistance, etc.)
  • Housing (housing laws, home buying guides, supportive housing options, home modification, etc.)
  • Technology (accessible technology guidelines and standards, assistive information technology, assistive educational technology, financial assistance, etc.)
  • Transportation (laws, travel guides, providers, vehicle modification, safety and complaint procedures, etc.)

Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital
4301 Connecticut Ave NW, , Washington, DC 20008
202-237-1670 (voice) | 202-274-2161 (fax)

The Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital (GSCNC) helps girls to promote diversity, gain practical life skills, and connect with their community through a variety of artistic, educational, and environmental events. Some of these events include:

  • Photography expos
  • College and career conferences
  • Nature workshops

HSCSN Youth Athletic Program
National Children's Center, 3400 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20020

The Health Services for Children with Special Needs (HSCSN) Youth Athletic Program (YAP) is an inclusive, adapted sports program for at-risk youth, including those with disabilities and chronic illnesses. Launched in 2007 with summer soccer clinics and initially targeting children of parents and caregivers who attended its support group meetings, the project has expanded to include children of all abilities.

Kids Enjoy Exercise Now (KEEN)
P.O. Box 341590, Bethesda, MD 20827
301-770-3200 (voice)

Volunteer organization providing free one-on-one recreational opportunities for children and young adults with mental and physical disabilities.

Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy Institute
801 Buchanan St, NE, Washington, DC 20017
202-529-7600 (voice) | 202-529-2028 (fax)

The Kennedy Institute works with teens and young adults with developmental disabilities to provide a broad array of education, therapeutic, employment, and community living programs.

National Children's Center
6200 Second St, NW, Washington, DC 20011
202-722-2300 (voice) | 202-722-2383 (fax)

Provides comprehensive and innovative services for children and adults with developmental disabilities in DColumbia and Maryland, including early intervention, schools, employment, adult day and residential programs.

National Children's Center SE Campus
3400 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, SE, Washington, DC 20032
202-279-4945 (voice)

Provides comprehensive and innovative services for children and adults with developmental disabilities in DColumbia and Maryland, including early intervention, schools, employment, adult day and residential programs.

New View, LLC
966 Hungerford Dr, Suite 7, Rockville, MD 20850
240-535-4036 (voice)

New View, LLC establishes relationships with children, young adults, adults, and their families and/or educational support team to determine relevant, individualized, and client-centered recommendations related to education, work, self-care, and leisure. We provide quality therapeutic services across the lifespan to create meaningful life experiences that help to improve independence and confidence in education, work, self-care, and leisure activities. We provide occupational therapy treatment and evaluation in addition to vocational, career guidance, and assessment.

New Vision Photography Program, Inc.
680 Rhode Island Ave, NE, Suite H4, Washington, DC 20002
202-269-6723 (voice) | 202-269-6724 (fax)

Supported employment and long-term follow-along services in the photography industry and community inclusion for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, introducing them to a creative world of digital photography, entrepreneurship programs, and One-Hour Photo Mini Lab training and employment.

Saint John's Community Services
2201 Wisconsin Ave, NW, Suite C-120, Washington, DC 20007
202-274-3460 (voice) | 202-337-5459 (fax)

The mission of SJCS-DC is "Advancing community supports and opportunities for people living with disabilities". SJCS-DC is predicated on the tenets that all individuals have the inalienable rights and abilities to be viable, participating, economically and socially empowered members of society. To this end the services and operations of SJCS-DC are designed to promote the full community inclusion of individuals with disabilities through a process that is person centered and demonstrates the utmost respect, dignity and value for individuals with disabilities and their families. SJCS-DC seeks to empower individuals with disabilities and their families through the provision of training, information, experiences, and support that further their capabilities and independence. To this end SJCS-DC stresses choices and meaningful decision making by individuals with disabilities throughout service delivery planning and implementation.

Securing a Future for Your Child with a Disability: A Parents Guide to Adult Services in Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax and Falls Church

This guide, written by the Arc of Northern Virginia, will help you answer the following questions:

  • Who’s in charge of key life decisions.
  • Whether your adult child is eligible for government support.
  • What kind of jobs and day support programs are available.
  • Which recreational activities are best.
  • How he or she will get around.
  • Where they’ll live.

Words Beats and Life
1525 Newton St, NW, Washington, DC 20010
202-667-1192 (voice)

The DC Urban Arts Academy, a multi-medium hip-hop arts Academy was the first initiative. Next came Words Beats Life: The Global Journal of Hip-Hop.  Following that the University Project came about, taking WBL back to where it began--transforming university classrooms and campuses through hip-hop culture via interactive workshops, exhibitions and gallery installations.  Moving forward, WBL has a number of emerging initiatives such as The Cipher: A Hip-Hop Business Incubator, that we believe will become regional and national models over the next few years.  We do hope that this new web site is a helpful tool for you to learn more about Words Beats and Life and how we might be a resource to you, your business, your family, your classroom, your community or your campus.

WVSA Arts Connection Washington, DC 20036

ART Options is an arts-infused program designed to support the development of vocational, social and life management skills for people with disabilities ages 16 and older in Washington, DC. Consistent with other St. John’s Community Services’ programs, ART Options operates in community settings in which participants enhance their personal and professional skills and prepare for and attain careers in the art field. ART Options focuses on applied, fine arts and digital design instruction, internships and jobs, public programming, museum and gallery visits, and the development of salesmanship and communications skills guided by the participant’s goals. 

ART Options utilizes the resources of the vast Washington, DC arts community including the Smithsonian Institute, National Gallery of Art, fine and contemporary art studios, and DC Public Libraries. This enables artists with and without disabilities to develop relationships and collaborate on projects in an array of creative and inclusive  environments. Supported by highly trained staff, artists with disabilities will hone their artistic talents, attain marketable skills, strengthen their  self-esteem and prepare for opportunities in the arts community. 

Supported by a grant from The HSC Foundation. Developed and maintained by SchoolTalk, Inc. and Inclusion Research Institute in collaboration with DC Partners in Transition.
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