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College & Adult Education

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DC Department on Disability Services
250 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024
202-730-1700 (voice) | (202) 730-1843 (fax) | (202) 730-1516 (TTY)

The DC Department on Disability Services (DDS) provides the residents of DC with information, oversight, and coordination of services for people with disabilities and those who support them, such as service providers and employers. DDS has two Administrations ( Rehabilitation Services Administration & Developmental Disabilities Administration ) that oversee and coordinate services for residents with disabilities through a network of private and non-profit providers.

REHABILITATION SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (RSA) - focuses on employment, ensuring that persons with disabilities achieve a greater quality of life by obtaining and sustaining employment, economic self-sufficiency and independence. RSA’s program is designed to assess, plan, develop, and provide vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities, consistent with their strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, and informed choice, in order to prepare for and engage in gainful employment 34 C.F.R. § 361.1

  • The RSA Youth in Transition Services Units provide transition services, as defined by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 amended, to coordinate a set of activities for students designed around an outcome-oriented process that supports their movement from school to post-school activities including post-secondary education, vocational training, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, and independent living. Vocational rehabilitation transition services link students with disabilities, while still in school, with the vocational rehabilitation program to create a continuum of services leading to long-term employment outcomes for eligible students.
  • To learn more about RSA’s vocational rehabilitation process for youth with disabilities, refer to the RSA Youth in Transition Toolkit: “Explore the World of Work, Discover Your Career”. It provides the specific steps and activities that youth, schools, and parents need to understand to apply for services and work through the RSA process to receive services and find employment.

DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES ADMINISTRATION (DDA) - public agency responsible for the oversight and coordination of all services and supports provided to qualified persons with intellectual disabilities in the District of Columbia.

  • DDA supports individuals with intellectual disabilities to have the most independence and choice and control over their own lives through person-centered service planning and delivery and increased provider capacity. DDA coordinates home and community services for over 2,000 individuals so each person can live and work in the neighborhood of his or her choosing, and promotes health, wellness and a high quality of life through service coordination and monitoring, clinical supports, and a robust quality management program.

Best Colleges' Career Guide for Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities can make the college-to-career transition a smooth one with the assistance of career counseling, job search workshops, and career plan development on campus. This guide provides career planning resources for students with disabilities who are just beginning their job search.

Capitol Technology University, Disability Support Services
11301 Springfield Road, Laurel, MD 20708
301-369-2543 (voice)

Capitol Technology University's Disability Support Services coordinator helps students with special needs or learning differences gain equal access to college services and programs.

The Catholic University of America, Disability Support Services
620 Michigan Ave NE, 207 Pryzbyla Center, Washington, DC 20064
202-319-5211 (voice) | 202-319-5126 (fax)

Answers questions concerning accommodations and services available and provides information about and give referrals to admissions, registration, financial aid, and other services within the university. DSS can help assess needs in such areas as housing accommodations, attendants, interpreters, readers, transportation, classroom and course accommodations, tutors, notetakers, and adaptive equipment.

Center for Employment Training
6295 Edsall Road Plaza 500, Suite 220, Alexandria, VA 22312
(703) 461-9767 (voice)

The Mission of CET, an economic and community development corporation, is to promote human development and education by providing people marketable skills training and supportive services that contribute to self-sufficiency.

College & Career Readiness and Success Organizer

The College & Career Readiness and Success Organizer brings together essential considerations for career and college readiness that are equal in importance and interconnected. The organizer has four central strands: goals and expectations, outcomes and measures, pathways and supports, and resources and structures.

College Living Experience
(800) 486-5058 (voice)

The CLE team provides individualized services across the areas of academics, career development, independent living, and social skills.

DC LEARNs (D.C. Literacy Education, Advocacy and Resource Network)
1612 K St, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006
202-331-0141 (voice) | 202-331-0143 (fax)

DC LEARNs is a nonprofit citywide coalition of organizations providing adult, family, and children’s literacy services to the residents of Washington, DC. Their work includes: training, policy work and analysis, pilot projects, volunteer recruitment, and gathering and providing information on literacy programs.

DC Tuition Assistance Grant Program (DC TAG)
810 1st Street NE  3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20002
202-727-2824 (voice) | 1-800-541-1524 (TTY)

The DCTAG Program is available to eligible District of Columbia residents only. For those who qualify or graduated from high school on or after January 1, 1998. This program offers a funding opportunity to attend a public or private college or university throughout the nation or its territories. The grant pays the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition at public colleges or universities up to an annual  maximum of $10,000 ($5,000 per semester); at public two year schools up to $2,500 per year ($1,250 per semester); at private HBCUs or DC private 4 year universities, up to $2,500 ($1,250 per semester). The application and other information is available on-line at www.dconeapp.dc.gov     

DCPS Office of Special Education
1200 First St, NE, Washington, DC 20002
202 442 4800 (voice) | 202-442-5517/5518 (fax)

Works with schools to ensure that students with disabilities have the services and support they need to achieve success.

DCPS Student Guide to Graduation, College, and Career

In the guide, students and their families receive clear, personalized information about the steps they need to take to earn a diploma and pursue college and career opportunities aligned with their skills and interests. Each student’s guide is customized to their course progress, college and career interests, and post-secondary goals.


Disability.gov connects people with disabilities, their families, and the organizations that support them to important information about:
  • Disability benefits (guides, programs, applications, etc.)
  • Civil rights (ADA information, accessibility guidelines, employment rights, complaint procedures, etc.)
  • Community life (history of the independent living movement, personal care assistance services, sports and leisure activities, etc.)
  • Education (IDEA and IEP information, teaching materials and strategies, classroom supports, college prep, etc.)
  • Emergency preparedness (inclusive emergency planning, disaster recovery assistance, emergency service accessibility, etc.)
  • Employment (career planning, workforce development, internship programs, hiring and recruiting information, etc.)
  • Health care (disability and condition information, services and providers, caregiving options, financial assistance, etc.)
  • Housing (housing laws, home buying guides, supportive housing options, home modification, etc.)
  • Technology (accessible technology guidelines and standards, assistive information technology, assistive educational technology, financial assistance, etc.)
  • Transportation (laws, travel guides, providers, vehicle modification, safety and complaint procedures, etc.)

District of Columbia College Access Program (DC CAP)
1029 Vermont Ave, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20005
202-783-7933 (voice)

DC-CAP can help you see that there is a way for you to get a college education. DC-CAP helps teens and young adults: Find the appropriate college based on their individual needs; Assist with the college application process; Help secure financial aid; and Continue to provide counseling and financial aid assistance to students for up to five years of college.

e-Trac Vocational Training Curriculum
Midwest Special Services: 3400 Granada Ave. North, Suite 190, Oakdale, MN 55128
(651) 238-1994 (voice)

This innovative online curriculum is designed to teach job search skills to people struggling to overcome barriers to employment, such as disabilities, gaps in employment history or mental health challenges.

This comprehensive curriculum contains six separate courses – the first five focus on a specific phase of the job search process while the sixth focuses on how to successfully keep a job. Each course is fully animated and all information is presented in accessible, easy-to-understand language. Content is reinforced through fun, engaging videos, simulations, interactive exercises, quizzes, exams and a variety of practical opportunities to apply what is learned. All courses are fully narrated.

Educational Opportunity Center
1233 20th St, Washington, DC 20036
202-741-4730 (voice)

EOC provides FREE services to encourage and assist adults and high school students interested in continuing their education. 

ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education (ERIC EC), The Council for Exceptional Children
1110 N. Glebe Rd, Arlington, VA 22201
1-800-328-0272 (voice)

This site has an information sheet titled, “Selecting A College for Students with Learning Disabilities or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,” which is helpful as an overview to transition planning from high school to college.

Federal Student Aid Videos & Infographics

Description from this resource's website: Federal Student Aid has produced a number of videos about financial aid and infographics about financial aid. We are considering topics to add in the future. If you’d like to request one or more topics for videos or infographics, you are welcome to submit them to ask.aidawareness@ed.gov. NOTE: The ask.aidawareness e-mail address is for your feedback on this topic or for your questions about our products and services for you, the counselor or mentor. If you or your students have questions about financial aid, please send them to studentaid@ed.gov. Thank you.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), U.S. Department of Education
1-800-4-FEDAID (voice)

There are a number of federal loan, grant and work-study programs that you may be eligible for. To apply, complete and return a FAFSA to the U.S. Department of Education or through your guidance counselor, the Greater Washington College Info Center (see below), or any college financial aid office.

Gallaudet University, Office for Students with Disabilities
Jordan Student Academic Center, Rm 1220, 800 Florida Ave, NE, Washington, DC 20002
202-651-5256 (voice) | 202-651-5887 (fax)

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSWD) provides individually tailored, comprehensive, support services and programs for students with disabilities. OSWD empowers eligible students to succeed in their pursuit of higher education by striving to assure equal access and opportunity to curricular and extra-curricular activities. Supporting the ideal of life-long learning, OSWD encourages and provides experiences and opportunities to build confidence beyond the classroom. Student autonomy is encouraged through the provision of reasonable accommodations, academic support groups, self-advocacy, and compensatory training. OSWD employs a student-centered interactive model in which collaboration among professionals and OSWD students results in a nondiscriminatory academic environment. In addition, OSWD provides professional development services and programs for faculty and staff and for community-based professionals.

GED Testing Center Office
441 4th ST NW, Washington, DC
202-274-7173 (voice)

The GED Testing Center only administers the examination and the practice examination. Should you wish to enroll in an instructional or preparatory program a service called the Literacy Hotline and be reached by telephone. The number for the Hotline is (202)727-2431.  A counselor at that telephone number will assist you in finding an appropriate preparatory program. After surveying the programs you may  the register at the one of your choice.

George Mason University – LIFE Program

The university offers more than 100 degree programs, including many innovative interdisciplinary programs that allow students to design personalized courses of study with faculty guidance. The university’s LIFE (Learning into Future Environments) Program is a supportive academic university experience offering a four year curriculum of study to post-secondary students, 18-23 years of age, with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

George Mason University, Office of Disability Support
Student Union Bldg I, Rm 211, MSN 5C9, 4400 University Dr, Fairfax, VA 22030
703-993-2474 (voice) | 703-993-4306 (fax) | 703-993-2476 (TTY)

The Office of Disability Services at George Mason University offers a variety of services for students with documented disabilities, including learning disabilities, deaf/hard of hearing, blind/low vision, mobility limitations, attention deficit disorders (ADD/ ADHD), psychiatric disorders, and medical disabilities. We encourage both prospective and current students to learn more about our services by going to our web site at and/or calling our office to make an appointment with an ODS coordinator.

George Washington University Office of Military and Veteran Student Services
Colonial Central - Marvin Center Ground Floor 800 21st Street, NW , Washington , DC 20052
202-994-9570 (voice) | 202-994-9009 (fax)

The Office of Military and Veteran Student Services is here to help students who are using military education benefits understand how their benefits work towards funding their education. We process financial transactions between The George Washington University and the Department of Veteran Affairs. Our office can also help students in their transition from combat to college and help students them find resources that are specifically designed for members of the military and their dependent. Our main focus is on the financial aspect of our students’ education, however we also host a series of programmatic events throughout the year to create awareness about the student veteran population on campus while also bringing together veterans and civilians. We support a strong community of student veterans and their families here on campus.

In terms of student support services, our office is able to ensure that students make a smooth transition from combat to college. This role includes anything from referring our students to a counselor at the University Counseling Center to communicating directly with a student’s professor if that student, for example, is having issues with completing assignments due to military-related factors (deployment, PTSD, stress).

George Washington University, Disability Support Services
Marvin Center, Suite 242, 800 21st St, NW, Washington, DC 20052
202-994-8250 (voice) | 202-994-7610 (fax)

The George Washington University believes in the equality of people, the value of individual differences, and the unending possibilities for growth and the development of the human spirit. With that philosophy, the University established Disability Support Services (DSS) in 1978 to support students with disabilities so that they may participate fully in university life, derive the greatest benefit from their educational experiences, and achieve maximum personal success. DSS currently serves over 700 GW students with a wide variety of disabilities, as well as those temporarily disabled by injury or illness.

Georgetown University, Academic Resource Center
Leavey Center, Suite 335, Box 571235 , Washington, DC 20057
202-687-8354 (voice)

Georgetown University is committed to providing academic support for all students and to integrating students with disabilities as fully as possible into all aspects of University life. The Academic Resource Center fulfills this mission by providing assistance in study skills necessary for academic achievement through individual consultations or workshops; accommodations to students with disabilities under the ADA and Section 504; facilities and support services to help ensure access for students with disabilities.

The Greater Washington College Info Center, MLK Jr. Memorial Library, 1st Floor
901 G St, NW, Washington, DC 20001
202-393-1100 (voice)

The College Info Center has a number of resources, including computers you can use, college information guides, and a series of education and career workshops, including “Research, Apply, Review: College Admissions 101” and “Finding the Right Resources: The College Search for Students with Learning Disabilities.” All resources and workshops are FREE.

A Guide to Visual Disabilities: How Colleges Help Visually Impaired Students Succeed

Obtaining a college education is no easy task, but for students with visual disabilities, the path to completing a degree program is lined with unique challenges and barriers. The following guide explores how visual impairments impact the educational experience, what colleges are doing for the visually impaired, and includes numerous resources, as well insight and tips from experts and a list of scholarships and grants.

HEATH Resource Center
2134 G Street, N.W., Suite 306 , Washington , DC 20052

The HEATH Resource Center gathers and provides information about national, post-secondary education supports for individuals with disabilities. The Center:

  • Participates in national conferences, trainings, and workshops
  • Develops training modules
  • Publishes resource papers, factsheets, guides, directories, and website information on accessibility, accommodations, financial aid, career development, independent living, and rehabilitation
  • Fosters a network of disability professionals

The HEATH Resource Center is managed by George Washington University's Graduate School of Education and Human Development in partnership with the HSC Foundation and the National Youth Transitions Center.

Helping Students with Visual Disabilities: Resources, Tools and Technology to Foster School Success

Addressing each need of students with visual impairments and improving overall accessibility are vital to their academic success. This guide explains how colleges are creating more welcoming and inclusive learning environments, with a sharp focus on assistive technology, campus resources that provide assistive services and tools, information about scholarships for students with visual impairments, and online resources they can access to facilitate academic and career success.

Howard University, Special Student Services
Howard Center, Suite 725, 2225 Georgia Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20059
202-238-2420 (voice)

All students attending the Howard University with a documented disabilities are eligible and encouraged to register for services.

The Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center Family-Centered Search Tool

The Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center hosts and links to numerous resources relevant to families across the country at its website. The family-centered search feature allows users to filter resources by topic, format, audience, and grade.

Latin American Youth Center
1419 Columbia Road, NW, Washington , DC 20009
202.319.2225 (voice) | 202.462.5696 (fax)

LAYC provides multi-lingual, culturally sensitive programs in the following areas:

  • Educational Enhancement
  • Social Services
  • Workforce Investment
  • Community Wellness
  • Art + Media
  • Advocacy

Literacy Helpline
202-727-2431 (voice)

Provides information on GED and literacy resources in DC.

The Mason LIFE Program

The Mason LIFE Program is an innovative post-secondary program for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who desire a university experience in a supportive academic environment. The mission of the Mason LIFE Program is a dual purpose. The first is to provide a supportive academic environment for our students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The second is to supply an apprenticeship for George Mason University students..

Measurement Practice Guide: College & Career Readiness & Success Center

This discussion guide is part of a larger practice guide designed to help state education agencies (SEAs) define measurement goals, select college and career readiness measures and indicators designed to support those goals, and use the data gathered with those measures and indicators to make informed decisions about college and career readiness policies, programs, and interventions. The chapter 1 discussion guide focuses on setting the stage for the rest of the guide by defining the measurement landscape and exploring the SEA role in measurement goals related to college and career readiness and success.

529 14th St. NW, Washington, DC 20045
202-872-4700 (voice)

We bring our Medtech College tradition of excellence in advancing healthcare education to students in Virginia and Maryland at our technical school in Washington D.C., formerly known as Sanz College. Sanz College, a DMV area technical school, began as a foreign language school in 1939. Since their beginning, Sanz College has been recognized for their outstanding programs in English as a Second Language. We’re excited to bring Sanz College’s expertise in language education to our students who are looking to improve their English skills. Sanz College in the District of Columbia is a perfect addition to Medtech’s family and our belief in being experts in our field, from English language training to medical career training, such as medical assisting, medical office training, phlebotomy and medical billing and coding. At our Washington, D.C., metro campus, you’ll find what we’re known for – an academic community focused on exceptional medical training with a personalized, hands-on approach. Through our medical training in Washington, D.C., our experts will give you the guidance, passion and knowledge to find success in your future career. At our technical school in Washington D.C., we offer ESL, medical billing and coding, medical office specialist, phlebotomy, and medical assistant training to prepare you for an extraordinary career in healthcare.

Montgomery College, Developmental Education and Workforce Access Program (includes Challenge Program)
51 Mannakee Street, Rockville, MD 20850
240-567-5000 (voice)

This is a custom-tailored learning community program for students with special needs exiting high school. GTP is a two-year, tuition-based, credit-free certificate program. The overall objective is to enable students to transition to greater independent living through functional education, residential, vocational, and life-skills services. The Challenge Program provides unique courses for adults with developmental disabilities to help them function more independently in their homes, at work, and in the community. Of equal importance, students will have the opportunity to increase their social and community awareness by learning at Montgomery College.

Montgomery College, Disability Support Services
Counseling and Advising Bldg, Rm CB122, 51 Mannakee St , Rockville, MD 20850
240-567-5058 (voice) | 240-567-5097 (fax) | 301-294-9672 (TTY)

Disability Support Services (DSS) is dedicated to assisting students with disabilities accomplish their personal, scholastic and career goals. We do this by teaching academic and advocacy skills; eliminating the physical, technical and attitudinal barriers that limit opportunities; and promoting an awareness of the experience of persons with disabilities within social, political, and economic constructs.

National Veterans Center (NVC)
2013 H Street NW, Suite 200, Washington , DC 20006
202-652-4742 (voice)

Powered by Student Veterans of America and in conjunction with The HSC Foundation, the National Veterans Center’s (NVC) mission is to empower military veterans to reach their full potential. This partnership between non-profit organizations accomplishes its mission by acting as a central conduit that pairs service providers from the public and private sector with veterans and military families seeking resources. The NVC serves as America’s laboratory for developing, testing, and digitally delivering new solutions to veterans in order to assist them with overcoming disability, completing their education, finding meaningful employment, and thriving in their communities.

National Youth Leadership Network (NYLN)
PO Box 5908 , Bethesda , MD 20824
1-301-915-0353 (voice)


  • Promotes youth leadership development.
  • Values inclusion, interdependent support systems, and disability pride.
  • Works to create access to the resources youth need to be leaders.
  • Supports work being done by youth activists with disabilities on the local level.
  • Trains youth with disabilities.
  • Connects youth leaders with opportunities to serve and be active members of their communities.

New Futures Career Navigator

Users of the online, interactive Career Navigator tool can take a career assessment to determine career paths that best fit them. They learn about each career including job outlook, pay potential, and the amount of education or training required. The Career Navigator connects students to local educational institutions where they can obtain the related post-secondary education. Additional resources are provided to further empower youth and young adults to make informed decisions about their careers. Real-life success stories of New Futures Alumni are also shared.

1050 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002
(202) 727-6436 (voice)

Sets statewide policies, provides resources and support, and exercises accountability for ALL public education in DC.

Paralegal Institute of Washington, DC
5101 Wisconsin Ave, NW Suite 210, Washington, DC 20016
202-955-4562 (voice)

Welcome to the Paralegal Institute of Washington, DC (PIW). PIW is a licensed higher-education learning center, committed to training paralegals.

901 G ST NW Room 313, Washington, DC 20001
202-442-8397 (voice)

REACH4SUCCESS is a multi-dimensional college access program that connects students of all ages with opportunities in higher education. Through information and advising services, postsecondary encouragement programs, and outreach activities, our programs emphasize the critical link between higher education and future success. All of our services are free.

6295 Edsall Rd, Suite 175 , Alexandria, VA 22312
703-461-6000 (voice)

ServiceSource is a leading nonprofit disability resource organization with regional offices and programs located in nine states and the District of Columbia. We serve more than 15,700 individuals with disabilities annually through a range of innovative and valued employment, training, rehabilitation, housing and other support services. ServiceSource directly employs more than 1,500 individuals on government and commercial affirmative employment contracts, making us one of the largest employers of people with disabilities nationwide.

Whether you are an individual with a disability, a government contracting officer or a local business owner, ServiceSource is committed to meeting or exceeding your needs and expectations.

Student Veterans of America
1625 K Street NW, Suite 320 , Washington , DC 20006
(202) 223-4710 (voice)

Student Veterans of America envisions a nation where all student veterans succeed in post-secondary programs and contribute to civilian society in meaningful ways. SVA provides the resources and support to do so through five major initiatives. We maintain a commitment to Support Chapters through leadership training, grants, and networking opportunities that facilitate the development of successful student-run organizations. An essential component of chapter work is advocating for supportive campus services and programs. At the national level, SVA’s Advocacy efforts ensure policies are not only supportive for veterans in their transition to school and employment, but also for the entire military community. To best serve this large community, SVA Develops Partnerships with other organizations to provide scholarships, mentorships, employment, and benefits counseling. Yet, our support doesn’t end at graduation. Student Veterans of America is developing a networking program that will Connect Alumni veterans with even more professional opportunities. These initiatives are designed to bring veterans closer to their degrees, yet little data exists on student veterans' academic performance. By Investing in Research, SVA hopes to fill that void and showcase student veteran success.

Students for Disability Awareness, Western Washington University Washington, DC

For youth who might want to attend college

Technical Learning Centers
1720 I ST NW Suite 200, Washington, DC 20006
202-223-3500 (voice)

TLC offers its services by utilizing professional staff who are experienced in their field of expertise. We work with our clients to help them achieve their objectives with the application of new and proven technologies. Our philosophy is to offer our customers the best service possible with highest quality and lowest cost of ownership, on time and on budget.

Telecommunicating and Accessibility Issues for the Deaf

This webpage offers a series of educative articles, compiled by Five 9 Call Center Software, on hearing impairment and accessibility issues. These articles provide specific information about:

  • The history of telecommunications devices
  • Telephone relay services
  • Using a TTY system
  • Accessing 9-1-1 emergency services
  • Ongoing efforts to improve telecommunication
  • Overcoming isolation through social media
  • Making distance learning courses more inclusive
  • The challenges of communicating in the workplace
  • Accessibility and the Americans with Disabilities Act

This webpage also offers informative resources related to hearing impairment. These resources include:

  • Webpages devoted to deaf culture
  • Reviews of assistive technology products
  • A database of closed-captioned, educational DVDs

Trinity DC, Disability Student Services
Academic Service Center, Library, 1st,
202-884-9358 (voice)

If you are a student with a psychological, cognitive, and/or physical disability, Disability Student Services (DSS) is here to ensure that you receive support services that will equalize your access for your courses and campus activities. In contrast to high school, where students with disabilities are entitled to certain services, in college, you must become approved or eligible for services based on the guidelines set forth by your college/university (Read "Disability in Higher Education"). At Trinity, this means that you must first register with DSS before you can request support services.

University of Maryland College Park, Disability Support Services
4th Floor, Susquehanna Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
301-314-7682 (voice)

The mission of the Disablility Support Service is to coordinate services that ensure individuals with disabilities equal access to University of Maryland College Park programs.

University of the District of Columbia, Disability Resource Center
4200 Connecticut Ave, NW, Bldg 44, Rm A-39 , Washington, DC 20008
202-274-6417 (voice) | 202-274-5375 (fax) | 202-448-7213 (videophone) (TTY)

The University of the District of Columbia (UDC) is an urban land grant institution. UDC is a comprehensive public institution offering affordable post-secondary degrees at the associates, baccalaureate, and graduate levels. The Disability Supports Services Offices provides accommodations and assistance to students with documented disabilities. It is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations. Students will also need to provide recent documentation of their disability and recent testing and evaluations of their disability.

The Washington Center

Organization serving hundreds of colleges and universities in the United States and other countries by providing selected students challenging opportunities to work and learn in Washington, D.C. for academic credit. Support includes Expansion of the Public Service Internship Program for College Students with Disabilities.

A Wider Circle
9159 Brookville Road , Silver Spring, MD 20910
301-608-3504 (voice) | 301-608-3508 (fax)

A Wider Circle assists individuals and families in transition by providing:

  • Free enrollment in intensive, multi-session job preparedness, financial planning, stress management, nutrition, and parenting
  • Homegoods to formerly homeless families and veterans
  • Emergency response for new mothers, victims of fires or crime
  • Shelter enhancements (e.g., painting and landscaping)
  • Holiday food baskets and toys

Supported by a grant from The HSC Foundation. Developed and maintained by SchoolTalk, Inc. and Inclusion Research Institute in collaboration with DC Partners in Transition.
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