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Pathways to the Future For Youth with Disabilities
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Resources by Topic >> Health

General Resources

DC Department of Behavioral Health
64 New York Avenue, NE, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20002
202-673-2200 (voice) | (202) 673-3433 fax | 202-673-7500 (TTY)

The Department of Behavioral Health's goal is to deliver mental health services that promote a patient's full recovery, respect cultural and linguistic diversity, and are choice-driven. The Mental Health Rehabilitation Services (MHRS) system for community-based care offers: evaluation and or screening services, case management, counseling, intensive day treatment, crisis or emergency services, rehabilitation programs, psychiatric treatment, and specialized mental health services.

Take Charge of Your Health: Guide for Teens and Young Adults

Check out this guide to understand what you need to be able to do and how to partner with your healthcare provider.

Got Transition: The Center for Health Care Transition Improvement

Got Transition, the Center for Health Care Transition Improvement, is funded by the federal government and aims to improve the health care transition process for youth with disabilities nationwide.

The site includes an interactive health provider section that corresponds to the three Six Core Elements' practice settings. It also includes a set of frequently asked transition questions developed by and for youth/young adults and families. In addition, the site contains new information for researchers and policymakers and a robust listing of transition resources.

What Does Health Have To Do With Transition?

This article explains the importance of health care transition and how health can affect other areas of transition like employment, post-secondary education, and independent living.

Clinical Reference Report

The AAP, AAFP, and ACP will soon release a joint clinical report on transition for adolescents with and without special health care needs; it contains a guiding algorithm describing transition steps for all adolescents based on relevant diagnoses.

Six Core Elements of Healthcare Transition

The Six Core Elements of Health Care Transition (Version 2.0) define the basic components of transition support and are based on the 2011 Clinical Report on Health Care Transition, jointly developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and the American College of Physicians.

Three transition tool packages are available in English and Spanish for 1) practices serving youth who will transition out of pediatric care into adult care, 2) practices serving youth who will remain with the same provider but need to transition to adult-focused care, and 3) practices accepting new young adults into adult care. Each package includes sample tools that are customizable and available for download. They include a sample transition policy, a tracking mechanism, a readiness/self-care assessment tool, a plan of care template, medical summary, emergency care plan, transfer checklist, and a transfer letter. Each package also includes consumer feedback surveys and two new measurement tools to assess progress in transition quality improvement.

Transition Timeline

Review this document to see a recommended timeline for transition milestones, identify where you are, and determine what action(s) you should take.

Portable Medical Summary

Here is a medical summary that you can fill out with your teen, which they can carry with them at all times. You can also save it electronically to a jump or zip drive which they can carry around on a keychain.

Healthy Transitions

This is a fun interactive website with lots of great tools and videos developed by the New York State Institute for Health Transition Training. The site includes MY PLACE, a social networking feature that links you to a personal transition team.

Family Voices
1200 G Street, NW Suite #725 , Washington, DC 20005
1-202-678-8060 (voice)

Family Voices is a national organization working in collaboration with various local organizations on behalf of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) . Family Voices provides parents of children with chronic conditions access to specialty healthcare resources and to other families.

NOTE: Family Voices and the Family-to-Family Health Information Center are separate programs. The latter is grant funded under various Family Voices affiliates.


Read this informative guide on issues of guardianship to learn more about helping your patients and their families address this issue prior to the child's 18th birthday.

Consent and Confidentiality

more information to come

AASPIRE's Interactive Healthcare Toolkit

The Academic Autism Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education (AASPIRE), in collaboration with the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, has created a new interactive toolkit to help improve healthcare services for adults on the autism spectrum.

For patients on the autistic spectrum and their supporters:

Patient materials include checklists and worksheets to help patients:

  • schedule appointments
  • prepare for visits
  • describe symptoms, and
  • follow-up on provider recommendations

The toolkit also includes detailed information about topics including:

  • navigating the healthcare system
  • staying healthy, and
  • patient rights.

The centerpiece of the AASPIRE Healthcare Toolkit is the Autism Healthcare Accommodation Tool, an online tool that allows patients or their supporters to create a customized accommodations report for their providers.

For healthcare providers:

The Autism Healthcare Accommodation Tool mentioned above will help healthcare providers understand what accommodations or strategies might help that individual patient. It is crucial that healthcare providers be equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to provide better quality healthcare to autistic adults.

Other provider materials include:

  • general information on autism,
  • tips for facilitating healthcare interactions, and
  • information on legal and ethical issues related to autism.

ADDitude Magazine
108 West 39th Street, Suite 805, New York, NY 10018

ADDitude Magazine provides information that helps readers to:

  • determine whether you or a loved one has ADHD, learning disabilities, or another condition
  • research treatment options and find the right combination of medication and natural treatments to manage your or your child’s symptoms
  • secure 504 or IEP accommodations for your child at school
  • remove the isolation and stigma that still surround too many with the condition
  • create organizational systems that will help you keep track of your keys and get to work on time every day
  • distinguish symptoms of mood disorders, anxiety, learning disabilities, oppositional defiant disorder, and other mental health conditions from ADHD
  • connect with a community of parents and adults who understand the intense emotions and daily joys and headaches of living with ADHD

American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD)
110 N. Washington Street, Suite 328-J, Rockville, MD 20850
(301) 545-6140 (voice) | (301) 545-6144 (fax)

The mission of AAHD is to advance health promotion and wellness initiatives for children and adults with disabilities. AAHD accomplishes its mission through advocacy, education, public awareness, and research efforts at the federal, state, and community levels.

Anacostia Clinic
1328 W St, SE,
202-610-7160 (voice)

Health (medical)

ASAN's Toolkit for Advocates on Ending Discrimination in Organ Transplantation
P.0. Box 66122, Washington, DC 20035
202.596.1056 (voice)

ASAN has prepared a comprehensive toolkit to empower people with disabilities, their families, and other disability advocates to help combat disability-based discrimination in organ transplantation.

The “Know Your Rights” guide provides people with disabilities and their families with information on existing laws and policies that may protect them from discrimination, and information on who to contact if they experience discrimination.

The Guide for Advocates provides information on ways that advocates can help fight organ transplantation discrimination on a wider basis, such as through legislative advocacy and outreach to the medical community.

The Model Legislation on organ transplant discrimination provides an example of effective anti-discrimination legislation that advocates can propose to their state legislatures.

The Guide for Clinicians and Checklist of available supports and services gives doctors and other health professionals concrete advice on how to serve people with disabilities who may need an organ transplant.

ASAN's Toolkit for Advocates on Health Care and the Transition to Adulthood
PO Box 66122, Washington , DC 20035

ASAN is proud to announce the release of a comprehensive toolkit to empower people with disabilities and their families to manage their own health care as they transition to adulthood.

Transition to Adulthood: A Health Care Guide for Youth and Families provides people with people with disabilities and their families with information on how to choose a source of health care coverage, create a health care support network, integrate health care transition goals into their educational plans, and manage their health care. It includes useful guides and worksheets for keeping track of health care records, making doctor's appointments, and talking to doctors about health concerns.

The toolkit also includes Model Supported Health Care Decision-Making Legislation and its accompanying Questions and Answers resource. The model legislation, which ASAN developed in collaboration with the Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities, would enable people with intellectual or developmental disabilities to name a trusted person to help communicate with doctors, understand health care information, make informed decisions about health care, and/or carry out daily health-related activities. Advocates can use this model legislation when talking to their state legislators about ways to support people make independent health care decisions.

ASAN's policy brief, The Transition to Adulthood for Youth with ID/DD: A review of research, policy, and next steps, discusses the range of challenges facing youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities as they approach adulthood, including potential loss of health care coverage, barriers to obtaining adult-oriented care, and lack of support in making health care decisions. It outlines several policy recommendations to eliminate these barriers, including expanding access to income-based Medicaid coverage, increased education and awareness of the importance of transition and decision-making supports, and increased research on best practices in transition planning.

Autism Speaks Family Services Resource Guide

The Autism Speaks Family Services Resource Guide is a reference tool that enables users to access service listings by state, age group, and category. Categories include:

  • Advocacy, Financial and Legal Resources
  • Community and Support Network
  • Health Services
  • And more

The Campbell Center
2759 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE, Suite 201, Washington, DC 20032
(202) 684-7015 (voice)

The Campbell Center is a peer-run resource center that supports individuals living with mental health challenges.

Cerebral Palsy Guide
3208 E .Colonial Drive #241, Orlando, FL 32803

Cerebral Palsy Guide provides free educational materials, financial options and support to help those across the country affected by this disorder.

Children’s National Medical Center
111 Michigan Ave, NE, Washington, DC 20017
202-476-5005 (voice)

Health (medical)

Community Connections
801 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., Suite 201, Washington, DC 20003
202-546-1512 (voice) | 202-544-5365 (fax)

Community Connections core purpose is to improve the lives of women, men and children in the District of Columbia by providing comprehensive mental health services.

Congress Heights Clinic
3720 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, SE,
202-279-1800 (voice) | 202-645-0294 (fax)

Health (medical)

Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery
PO Box 6471, Brattleboro, VT 05302
(802) 254-5335 (voice)

The Copeland Center empowers individuals, organizations, and communities by promoting and supporting good mental health through its Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Program. The 5-section Program:
  • Helps participants identify anxiety triggers and crisis warning signs
  • Helps participants identify appropriate wellness resources
  • Helps participants develop a daily wellness maintenance, crisis, and recovery plan
  • Provides facilitator training, technical assistance, workshops, consultations, smartphone apps and other tools to support wellness and recovery

DC Counseling Connection Washington, DC

The DC Counseling Connection assures that uninsured or under-insured, low-income individuals and families, living in the District of Columbia and in need of mental health care are linked with licensed and insured mental health professionals who provide care on a volunteer basis at no cost.  DCCC enlists the volunteer efforts of clinicians who are committed to supporting those clients who could not be served by other means.

DC Department of Healthcare Finance
899 N. Capitol St, NE, 6039, Washington, DC 20002
202-442-5988  (voice) | (202) 442-4790 fax | 711 (TTY)

DCHF programs include Medicaid, DC Healthy Family, and The DC Healthcare Alliance. The DC Healthcare Alliance offers a full range of health care services for its members. Benefits include: inpatient hospital care, outpatient medical care (including preventive care), emergency services, urgent care services, prescription drugs, rehabilitative services, home health care, dental services, specialty care, and wellness programs.

DC Healthy Families
6856 Eastern Avenue NW Suite 206, Washington, DC 20012
(202) 639-4030 (voice)

DC Healthy Families is a part of the Medicaid program that makes getting good health care easy. DC Healthy Families provides free health insurance to families with children and women who are pregnant. You don't have to have a job to get free health care. You don't have to get TANF (temporary assistance for needy families) and you don't have to be a US citizen.

DC Medicaid Information

For basic information and frequently asked questions, visit the website of DC's Medicaid program.

DC Resource Center for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN)
202-687-8807 (voice)

The DC Resource Center for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) is a resource for providers serving families with children and youth with special health care needs to help them know and understand the complex array of services and supports within the DC system. We are a "one-stop shop" of resources, supports, and services offered in the District of Columbia by both private and public entities.


Disability.gov connects people with disabilities, their families, and the organizations that support them to important information about:
  • Disability benefits (guides, programs, applications, etc.)
  • Civil rights (ADA information, accessibility guidelines, employment rights, complaint procedures, etc.)
  • Community life (history of the independent living movement, personal care assistance services, sports and leisure activities, etc.)
  • Education (IDEA and IEP information, teaching materials and strategies, classroom supports, college prep, etc.)
  • Emergency preparedness (inclusive emergency planning, disaster recovery assistance, emergency service accessibility, etc.)
  • Employment (career planning, workforce development, internship programs, hiring and recruiting information, etc.)
  • Health care (disability and condition information, services and providers, caregiving options, financial assistance, etc.)
  • Housing (housing laws, home buying guides, supportive housing options, home modification, etc.)
  • Technology (accessible technology guidelines and standards, assistive information technology, assistive educational technology, financial assistance, etc.)
  • Transportation (laws, travel guides, providers, vehicle modification, safety and complaint procedures, etc.)

Disability.gov’s Guide for Family Caregivers

This guide connects you to programs, services, government agencies and organizations that can help you as you care for a spouse, child, parent or other family member.

DMH Access Help Line
1-888-7WE-HELP (voice) | 1 (888) 793-4357 | 202-727-3363 (TTY)

The DMH Access Help Line is the best way to access mental health rehabilitation services and its certified mental health service providers. Mental health professionals staff this 24-hour telephone line. Call the Access Help Line to: Get help with solving problems, share concerns, obtain emergency services, and decide whether to seek mental health or other types of services.

Economic Security Administration (ESA)
64 New York Avenue, NE, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20002
(202) 671-4200 (voice) | (202) 671-4326 (fax) | 711 (TTY)

The Economic Security Administration (ESA) determines the eligibility of applicants and recertifies the eligibility of recipients for federal and District-funded assistance programs, helps heads of households receiving TANF benefits to become employed and move toward financial independence. ESA determines eligibility for benefits under the Temporary Cash Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medical Assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly Food Stamps), and Child Care Subsidy, Burial Assistance, Emergency Rental Assistance, and Interim Disability Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and programs. ESA's Food Stamp Employment and Training Program (FSET) provides employment and training services to able-bodied adults without dependents who receive food stamps. ESA performs monitoring, quality control and reporting functions required by federal law and court orders.

Economic Security Administration, Anacostia
2100 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, SE, Washington, DC
202-645-4614 (voice) | 202-727-3527 (fax)

Health (insurance)

Economic Security Administration, Congress Heights
4049 S. Capitol St, SW, Washington, DC
202-645-4546 (voice) | 202-654-4524 (fax)

Health (insurance)

Economic Security Administration, Fort Davis
3851 Alabama Ave, SE, Washington, DC
202-645-4500 (voice) | 202-645-6205 (fax)

Health (insurance)

Economic Security Administration, H Street
645 H St, NE, Washington, DC
202-698-4350 (voice) | (202) 724-8964 (fax)

Health (insurance)

Economic Security Administration, Taylor Street
1207 Taylor St, NW, Washington, DC
202-576-8000 (voice) | 202-576-8740 (fax)

Health (insurance)

Family Services, Inc.

Provides services to foster health and well-being in the home, school, and community, including early childhood services, family support services, parental education services, and counseling and therapy services. Serves the residents of Montgomery County, MD.

A Family's Health Guide to Learning Disabilities

This webpage provides information about general, reading, writing, and math learning disabilities. It also contains links to articles on symptom recognition, accommodations, and prevention.

Fast Facts: Mental Health Services for Individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing experience the same mental health concerns as their hearing peers and, as such, seek out the same services to address these concerns. However, unlike hearing individuals, those who are deaf or hard of hearing do not always find equitable access to mental health services. This pepnet2 factsheet helps explain why.

Finding Balance: Obesity and Children with Special Needs (A Report and Guide)

This report has four goals:

  • To initiate a conversation about the problem of unhealthy weight among special needs children.
  • To inform families about the extent of the obesity problem, its causes, and the risks it poses to children’s health and well-being.
  • To empower parents and caregivers with tools, resources, and solutions so they can help their children be fit and healthy.
  • To inform policy makers, school administrators and medical professionals about the importance of including children with special needs in their efforts to combat obesity.

George Washington University Hospital
900 23rd St, NW, Washington, DC 20007 
202-15-4000  (voice)

Health (medical)

Georgetown University Hospital
3800 Reservoir Rd, NW, Washington, DC 20007 
202-444-2000 (voice)

Health (medical)

Health Insurance and Medicaid Coverage for Autism Services: A Guide for Individuals and Families

ASAN's new guide to Medicaid coverage explains the evidence base for promising developmental interventions and provides instruction on how to advocate for coverage for these interventions. It is the first of several upcoming publications about health coverage for developmental interventions.

Health Services for Children with Special Needs, Inc.
1101 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20005
202.467.2737 - CARE (voice) | 202.580.6485 - OTRCH

Community-based care management network coordinating health, social, and education services for the pediatric Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and SSI- eligible populations of Washington, DC. Provides support through the Therapeutic Recreation Fund to introduce various sports and fitness classes that offer the much-needed physical activity that is lacking in many programs for children and youth with disabilities. Through the Family Circles Program, supports families with children and youth who have disabilities by proving a series of services designed to meet training and education, advocacy, and emotional wellness needs.


Following the passage of the new health care reform law in 2010, the government created this website for individuals to learn more about private insurance coverage and services. The website includes a separate section for individuals with disabilities.

Mailing: 1101 Wootton Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852

healthfinder.gov helps consumers and their loved ones stay healthy with:

  • Evidence-based, original content on prevention and wellness topics
  • Health resources from approximately 1,400 government and non-profit organizations
  • Digital tools for supporting and promoting health

healthfinder.gov’s preventive services recommendations come from U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the Bright Futures Guidelines, and other guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration. The Affordable Care Act requires most insurance plans to cover these services without cost-sharing.

Visit healthfinder.gov to learn about:

  • Health Topics A to Z: Award-winning plain language prevention and wellness information on more than 100 topics
  • myhealthfinder: A tool for consumers to get personalized recommendations for clinical preventive services based on age, sex, and pregnancy status
  • Stay Connected: Digital tools including health widgets, e-cards, a monthly email newsletter, and links to healthfinder’s social media
  • National Health Observances: Toolkits for public health professionals, consumer groups, and others to educate the public about health issues

Hillcrest Children and Family Center
915 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001
(202) 232-6100 (voice)

Hillcrest Children and Family Center (Hillcrest Center) is a behavioral health care and social services agency that provides behavioral health treatment and prevention as well as community and family support services.

Hospital for Sick Children
1731 Bunker Hill Rd, NE, Washington, DC 20017 
202-32-4400  (voice)

Health (medical)

Howard University Hospital 
2041 Georgia Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20060
202-806-6100  (voice)

Health (medical)

The HSC Foundation
2013 H Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006
202-454-1220 (voice) | 202-454-1251 (fax)

A multifaceted organization dedicated to improving access to services for individuals who face social and health care barriers due to disability, chronic illness, or other circumstances that present unique needs, weaving together a pediatric specialty hospital, a health care management plan, and a home health agency.

The HSC Pediatric Center
1731 Bunker Hill Road, NE, Washington, DC 20017
202-832-4400 (voice)

Specialty pediatric hospital providing rehabilitative services in the Washington-Baltimore service area, providing quality, comprehensive health care services for children and youth with disabilities and chronic illnesses and their families. Supports the Therapeutic Recreation Fund, designed to introduce various sports and fitness classes that offer the much-needed physical activity that is lacking in many programs for children with disabilities.

Hunt Place Clinic
4130 Hunt Pl, NE,
202-388-8747 (voice)

Health (medical)

International Bipolar Foundation
8895 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 105-360, San Diego, CA 92122

The International Bipolar Foundation provides individuals with bipolar disorder and their families access to:

  • Educational brochures and videos
  • Research news
  • Support groups
  • Events and webinars
  • Volunteer, advocacy, and story-sharing opportunities

Judy Hoyer Family Learning Center
Adelphi and Takoma Park,

A place where community-based agencies and organizations collaborate under one roof to serve children and their families within or near a school in an integrated approach that promotes school readiness through early childhood care and education as well as family support and health programs.

Latin American Youth Center
1419 Columbia Road, NW, Washington , DC 20009
202.319.2225 (voice) | 202.462.5696 (fax)

LAYC provides multi-lingual, culturally sensitive programs in the following areas:

  • Educational Enhancement
  • Social Services
  • Workforce Investment
  • Community Wellness
  • Art + Media
  • Advocacy

M&L Special Needs Resources Webpage
5603 Potomac Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016
855.344.9771 (voice) | 855.344.9771

At M&L Special Needs Planning, we feel that access to the right information is the key to planning a successful future. In keeping with our goal to keep you informed, and to provide you with the tools to enable you to plan a happy and successful future for your family, we have compiled a list of special needs resources.

16 East 34 Street, New York , 10016
(212) 532-3200 (voice) | (212) 684-0832 (fax)

MDRC is committed to finding solutions to some of the most difficult problems facing the nation — from reducing poverty and bolstering economic self-sufficiency to improving public education and college graduation rates. We design promising new interventions, evaluate existing programs using the highest research standards, and provide technical assistance to build better programs and deliver effective interventions at scale. We work as an intermediary, bringing together public and private funders to test new policy-relevant ideas, and communicate what we learn to policymakers and practitioners — all with the goal of improving the lives of low-income individuals, families, and children.

Mesothelioma Veterans Center
192 Nandina Terrace, Winter Springs, FL 32708
1-877-404-9992 (voice)

No one gets left behind. To that end, we strive to provide veterans diagnosed with any asbestos illness the best information, advice and assistance we possibly can. From filing for VA Disability Compensation, to helping veterans find the best medical treatment, we never stop fighting.

The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health
750 17th St, NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20006
202-223-1500 (voice) | 202-496-9067 (fax)

Our mission is to enhance the physical and emotional well-being of adolescents, especially low-income and minority adolescents, by promoting access to comprehensive, interdisciplinary physical, behavioral, and reproductive health care. The National Alliance supports models of care that incorporate a positive youth development philosophy and operate in collaboration with schools and community-based health promotion initiatives. We also seek to ensure that all adolescents have insurance for the services they require.

National Health Foundation (NHF)
Ben Franklin Station P.O. Box 14132, Washington , DC 20044
(703) 999-9423 (voice)

National Health Foundation is dedicated to improving and enhancing the healthcare of the underserved by developing and supporting innovative programs that (1) can become independently viable, (2) provide systemic solutions to gaps in healthcare access and delivery, and (3) have the potential to be replicated nationally.

National Rehabilitation Hospital
102 Irving St, NW, Washington, DC 20010
202-877-1000 (voice)

National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH) specializes in treating teens and young adults with physical disabilities. NRH offers a wide range of clinics and rehabilitative services including driver’s education for persons with disabilities. NRH offers inpatient and outpatient treatment for the following conditions: Spinal Cord Injuries, Head Injuries, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, Amputation, and Muscular Dystrophy.

Providence Hospital
1150 Varnum St, NE, Washington, DC 20017
202-269-7000  (voice)

Health (medical)

Psychiatric Institute of Washington
4228 Wisconsin Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20016
202-885-5600  (voice)

Health (medical)

The Reginald S. Lourie Center

Contributes to the stability and strength of the community by fostering the development of emotionally healthy children and strong parent-child relationships through specializing in the assessment, treatment, and prevention of emotional, behavioral, and developmental problems in infants and young children. Supports community-based organizations that host and maintain resource corners in their facilities that provide families online access to community resources.

Resources for Doctors and Health Professionals: Increasing Physical Activity Among Adults with Disabilities

This CDC article discusses 5 steps that doctors and other health professionals can use to increase physical activity among adults with disabilities. They are:

1. Remember that Physical Activity Guidelines are for Everybody
2. Ask about Physical Activity
3. Discuss Barriers to Physical Activity
4. Recommend Physical Activity Options
5. Refer Patients to Resources and Programs

6295 Edsall Rd, Suite 175 , Alexandria, VA 22312
703-461-6000 (voice)

ServiceSource is a leading nonprofit disability resource organization with regional offices and programs located in nine states and the District of Columbia. We serve more than 15,700 individuals with disabilities annually through a range of innovative and valued employment, training, rehabilitation, housing and other support services. ServiceSource directly employs more than 1,500 individuals on government and commercial affirmative employment contracts, making us one of the largest employers of people with disabilities nationwide.

Whether you are an individual with a disability, a government contracting officer or a local business owner, ServiceSource is committed to meeting or exceeding your needs and expectations.

Sibley Memorial Hospital
5255 Loughboro Rd, NW, Washington, DC 20016
202-537-4000  (voice)

Health (medical)

Specialty Hospital of Washington (Capitol Hill)
4601 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, SE, Washington, DC 20032
202-574-5700  (voice)

Health (medical)

St. Coletta
1901 Independence Ave, SE, Washington, DC 20003
202-350-8680 (voice) | 202-350-8699 (fax) | 202-350-8695 (TTY)

Public charter school that serves children up to age 22 with cognitive disabilites (autism, mental retardation, multiple disabilites) and their families. Partnership: Support to distribute goods and services to transitioning youth through the LEAP Award program.

St. Elizabeth’s Hospital
2700 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, SE, Washington, DC 20032
202-562-4000  (voice)

Health (medical)

St. Luke’s House, Inc.
6040 Southport Drive, N. Bethesda, MD 20814
301-493-4200 (voice)

Provides comprehensive mental health services. Programs range from the psychiatric rehabilitation program, including supported living, life skills training, and vocational rehabilitation, to the mental health clinic, 24-hour crisis care, and services for youth with serious emotional disabilities.

Transition QuickGuide: Take Charge of Planning and Managing Your Own Health and Career Goals

The Alliance between ODEP, Youth Transition Collaborative, MCHB’s Center for Health Transition Improvement (Got Transition) has focused on improving health care transition and employment of youth and young adults with disabilities. The Alliance Partners have created a career and health checklist for youth and young adults with disabilities. This information is for youth and young adults, including those with disabilities and chronic health conditions, from ages 12-30. With support from families, health care providers, workforce professionals, and others, young people can gain self-care and decision-making skills to take charge of planning and managing their own health and career goals.

Understanding Mental Disorders: Your Guide to DSM-5

Anyone who has a medical issue – whether the issue is of a mental health nature or not – can attest to the difficulties that can arise when seeking treatment. In the medical profession, language is sometimes complicated, and treatment and policies are sometimes indecipherable. It is certainly not a stretch to say that – from a financial perspective – insurance policies are almost always inscrutable.

Understanding Mental Disorders: Your Guide to DSM-5 is the APA’s solution to the above-mentioned barriers. The publication is aimed at individuals suffering from mental illness (as well as their family, friends, and even co-workers), and acts as a “how-to” for the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In the guide, readers will find (among other things) clear, easy-to-understand descriptions of a vast array of mental disorders (depression, schizophrenia, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and bipolar disorder, among others) with specific symptoms, risk factors, warning signs, and related disorders. There will be information on treatments, medications for each disorder, and a glossary of terms to enhance further understanding of each condition. As well, there is also a section devoted to support groups and how to access supports and services.

United Healthcare Community Plan
1-800-905-8671 (voice) | 711 (TTY)

United Healthcare Community Plan helps underserved individuals gain access to healthcare coverage by:

  • Helping them find a healthcare plan
  • Helping them find a physician
  • Educating them about Medicare, Medicaid, and Children's Health Insurance Programs (CHIP)

United Medical Center (formerly Greater Southeast Hospital)
1310 Southern Aven, SE,
202-574-4000  (voice)

Health (medical)

VCare, LLC
8112 Eastern Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20012
(202) 779-5440 (voice)

VCare, LLC provides professional and in-home developmental disability training and consulting services in the following areas:

  • Special Education
  • Nursing
  • Transitional Living
  • Employment
  • Recreation

Volunteers of America (Alexandria Headquarters)
1600 Duke Street , Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 341-5000 (voice) | (800) 899-0089 (TF)

At Volunteers of America, we are more than a nonprofit organization. We are a ministry of service that includes nearly 16,000 paid, professional employees dedicated to helping those in need rebuild their lives and reach their full potential. Through our hundreds of human service programs, including housing and healthcare, Volunteers of America touches the lives of more than 2 million people in over 400 communities in 46 states as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico each year. Since 1896, we have supported and empowered America's most vulnerable groups, including veterans, at-risk youth, the frail elderly, men and women returning from prison, homeless individuals and families, people with disabilities, and those recovering from addictions. Our work touches the mind, body, heart — and ultimately the spirit — of those we serve, integrating our deep compassion with highly effective programs and services.

Those We Serve

  • Children, Youth and Families
  • Homeless People
  • Older Adults
  • People with Behavioral Health Issues
  • People with Disabilities
  • Veterans
  • Formerly Incarcerated

Focus Areas

  • Assistance with Basic Needs
  • Community Outreach and Investment
  • Correctional Re-Entry Services
  • Housing
  • Mental Health
  • Senior Living and Care
  • Substance Abuse

Walker-Jones Clinic
1100 First St, NW,
202-354-1143 (voice)

Health (medical)

Washington Hospital Center
110 Irving St, NW, Washington, DC 20010
202-877-700                        (voice)

Health (medical)

A Wider Circle
9159 Brookville Road , Silver Spring, MD 20910
301-608-3504 (voice) | 301-608-3508 (fax)

A Wider Circle assists individuals and families in transition by providing:

  • Free enrollment in intensive, multi-session job preparedness, financial planning, stress management, nutrition, and parenting
  • Homegoods to formerly homeless families and veterans
  • Emergency response for new mothers, victims of fires or crime
  • Shelter enhancements (e.g., painting and landscaping)
  • Holiday food baskets and toys

Woodridge Clinic
2146 24th Pl, NE,
202-281-1160 (voice)

Health (medical)

Supported by a grant from The HSC Foundation. Developed and maintained by SchoolTalk, Inc. and Inclusion Research Institute in collaboration with DC Partners in Transition.
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