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Tools & Tips Library >> Technology

AIM for Families | National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials
From cast.org
Access information and resources for families and students on topics such as AIM (accessible instructional material) at home and at school, assistive technology, and alternate-format learning materials.

The AIM Navigator
From Cast.org
The AIM Navigator is an interactive online tool that facilitates the process of decision-making about accessible instructional materials for an individual student

From maccessibility.net

Maccessibility is devoted to connecting, compiling, and providing easy access to the best resources for blind, visually impaired, and other disability groups using Apple products. It is maintained by a dedicated group of visually impaired volunteers, who are Apple enthusiasts themselves.

Maccessibility began in 2007 as a project on Lioncourt.com to provide news and informational materials to low and no vision users of the Mac platform. Additionally, it served as a resource to dispel false information regarding the accessibility of Apple products.

Today, Maccessibility provides news and commentary, podcasts, and online communities, and more to low and no vision users of Apple products.

If you find the resources on Maccessibility useful, you may make a contribution. Every little bit helps to keep the site going.

Thank you for visiting us, and for your continued support.

PEATC IEP Checklist Iphone App
From peatc.org
Web Site
The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) is pleased to announce Version 2 of the IEP Checklist iPhone app. The IEP is an Individualized Education Program designed to support the educational needs of school-aged students with disabilities. The IEP Checklist App helps parents of students with special needs become better-informed advocates by making IEP information easier to access.

All Tools & Tips

Supported by a grant from The HSC Foundation. Developed and maintained by SchoolTalk, Inc. and Inclusion Research Institute in collaboration with DC Partners in Transition.
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